Optical turbidity measuring system for potable water applications
- 4-wire, 4…20 mA, 2 alarm relays or Modbus via RS485; built-in data logger
- For online bypass installation
- 0…100/1000 NTU/FNU; max. +50°C / +122°F; 7 bar / 101 psi
- 90° scattered infrared light (ISO 7027) or white light (US EPA 180.1)
Optical turbidity measuring system for potable water applications
- 4-wire, 4…20 mA, 2 alarm relays or Modbus via RS485; built-in data logger
- For online bypass installation
- 0…100/1000 NTU/FNU; max. +50°C / +122°F; 7 bar / 101 psi
- 90° scattered infrared light (ISO 7027) or white light (US EPA 180.1)
The OPTISYS TUR 1060 is a turbidity measuring system with cost-efficient cuvette calibration and automated ultrasonic cleaning system. Due to its optimised cuvette measuring system, it has a very fast measuring response time. The sensor uses the 90° scattered light method, thus the measurement optics are not directly exposed to the sample and require less maintenance.
Product features and options depend on device configuration: Contact us to make sure that your preferred functionality can be combined in one device.
- Rapid response time due to small measurement volume
- Improved usability due to easy-to-operate keypad
- Data logging with user-selectable interval (1…60 min) for storage of 1 year’s readings and calibration data
- USB interface for easy data exchange
- Simple cuvette calibration with reusable liquid calibration standards
- Integrated shut-off valve for maintenance work
- Optimal back pressure setting to avoid gas bubbles through integrated outlet valve
- Automatic ultrasonic cleaning to prevent deposits